We have always been keen to understand why it is that properties applying dolomite annually have so few calcium magnesium related metabolic disorders in spring and enjoy well above normal levels of production.

Our experience leads us to the view that there are at least seven reasons why this occurs.

Animals perform best when farm water systems should are reserved for fresh clean drinking water, no additives, just fresh clear water.

It is well known that dairy cows in wet weather will drink out of puddles rather than troughs containing a mix of chlorides and sulphates.

No animal voluntarily drinks from troughs containing excess chloride because chlorides kill bacteria and the gut of an animal relies on millions of bacteria for digestion.  Poor rumen function means poor production and very soon it will also mean mating performance problems.

Animals also drink more water when it is fresh and clean resulting in higher production and better overall health.

Some time back I was shown an area on a dairy farm where a trough had been overturned two years previously and that area was still bare earth with just a few weeds starting to grow.  If it sterilises soil it will do the same to the gut of an animal, and chemicals added to water systems accumulate in troughs over time.

Dusting pastures with magnesium oxide is only recommended when a mask is worn as magnesium oxide is known to injure lung cells resulting in a range of long-term ill- health problems.

There are no known ill-health issues from the occasional exposure to fine particles of dolomite.  Dolomite can be applied as a separate application or mixed with either the spring or autumn fertiliser.

Receiving the required intake of magnesium in every mouthful of high quality pasture is the most effective means of ensuring calcium/magnesium related metabolic disorders are minimised, and dolomite applied once a year achieves that.

Dolomite acts as soil conditioner helping soils drain more freely after heavy rain, and recover more quickly from the pressure exerted by the feet of heavy animals.  The result is more total pasture grown with a more even spread of growth throughout the year.

Magnesium also acts as a carrier for phosphorus and phosphorus, as well as being an essential element for plant growth, is a requirement for the formation of sugars.

Sugar is energy and during spring more energy results in less weight loss and more production.

Dolomite also contains calcium and higher levels of plant available calcium in the soil stimulates clover growth which in turn fixes nitrogen free of charge.

All dolomite sold in New Zealand is from the mine at Golden Bay owned by the Solly family.  Buying dolomite puts more money into the local economy and in tough financial times it makes sense to look after family first.

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