Growing Summer Pasture, October 2011

Human nature being what it is, a degree of nervousness about the amount of growth over the coming summer is to be expected, however past growth records combined with the digging of a few holes will help with feed budgeting. Here in the Rotorua district the December...

A quiet revolution underway, September 2011

Dairy cows are amazingly tough and resilient animals with the majority remaining outdoors all year.  Diets vary widely; most survive through harsh winter and early spring conditions, give birth, and produce remarkably well. Some years ago a farmer in the Waikato...

Proven performance; a priceless commodity August 2011

A dairy farmer entering his fourth season on a large dairy conversion phoned to ask whether an application of dolomite would help relieve the growing number of calcium/magnesium related problems on his property. As that question could not be adequately answered...

Just too simple? July 2011

It was about twenty years ago at the start of my work in the fertiliser industry that Golden Bay dolomite for me became an essential resource. I came across a small group of dairy farmers in the Matamata region that claimed to have minimal animal health issues of any...

Digging for information. June 2011

Digging holes in pasture near Takaka recently provided a wealth of information.  The site visited was an area close to the coast that had been regularly cropped for a number of years with the soil applied nutrients being conventional high analysis water soluble N, P,...

Oxygen more important than nitrogen, May 2011

The ability of Golden Bay dolomite to flocculate heavy soils is well known.  Flocculation is the technical term for the grouping together of small soil particles that provide space large enough for water to percolate through and air to enter as the soil drains. The...