Low-tech solution to increasing pasture energy Oct ’09

The level of energy in pasture plants during spring has a marked influence on the total season’s production. Cows that do not lose weight after calving are able to produce more during the coming season. It is simply more efficient to maintain or gain...

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The best of both worlds Sept ’09

A common misconception is that any fertiliser product that provides a noticeable response soon after application will need to be reapplied frequently to gain a long-term affect. Golden Bay Dolomite often provides both an almost immediate response and a...

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Will a tough winter lead to a stunning spring? Aug ’09

As farmers we rely on natural systems to deliver as and when we require. We have no control over weather and trying to modify it, or the results of, has never been truly effective. There appears to be an ongoing balancing act taking place with weather...

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Price, another reason for applying dolomite now. July’09

The marked reduction in calcium/magnesium related metabolic disorders in animals during spring as well as a steady improvement in overall animal health, as a result of a single application of dolomite, are the major reasons for the steady increase in...

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Focusing on Pasture June 2009

With returns to farmers for milk, meat, and wool at best uncertain and costs continuing to increase, now is an opportune time to refocus on what kiwi farmers do best; growing pasture and efficiently converting it via skilful grazing management. We no...

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Magnesium assists phosphorus uptake, May ’09

If ensuring adequate nutrient supply to plants were as simple as just applying more fertiliser, recommendations would be a great deal simpler. Much of the advice given when fertiliser was more affordable than it is today appears to have been based on the...

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The answer to this autumn’s fertiliser query, April 2009

A dairy farmer recently asked, “as fertiliser this autumn will be paid for with borrowed money what is the least I can do without harming next season’s production?” The short answer is, maintaining animal and soil health over winter and spring will ensure...

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Laying the foundation for next season this autumn, Feb’09

Planning for the future has always been an integral part of a successful farming operation. Competitive market places usually ensure high levels of profitability are short-term only. Sustainable, long-term, financial viability is the result of implementing...

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Dolomite – a sound foundation, 12 Jan 2009

A recent Newspaper article commenting on the latest low dairy payout for the West Coast this season stated that with present urea prices every kilogram of milksolids would be produced at a loss. The notion that there is a direct link between urea and...

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Increasing phosphorus efficiency, March 2008

For those wanting a unique fertiliser that provides significantly better animal health, improved physical soil structures, and greater total production, at a price little changed in the last fifteen years read on…. Dolomite provides a wide range of...

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