Why models are not all bad, November 2012

We have spent the last twenty years focused on soil fertility particularly fertility under grazed pastures and there are still times when parts of the picture are cloudy, sometimes even decidedly murky. For an individual farmer or general farm consultant to be able to...

How improved soil structures lower fertiliser costs, October 2012

One of the functions of a healthy soil is the recycling of nutrient for plant uptake, and as soil becomes more efficient at holding onto nutrients the requirement for costly fertiliser input reduces. The ability of soils to retain applied nutrient is based on a number...

A better outcome by spending less July 2012

Below 10°C the cycling of all nutrients, of which nitrogen is one, is slow and the application of any one of them will have little if any immediate effect on the growth of permanent pastures. The grasses in permanent pastures are bred to grow strongly from 10°C to...

Reducing the workload in spring June 2012

There is a school of thought that dolomite should not be applied in situations where soil calcium levels are near ideal because dolomite as well as containing 11.5% magnesium also contains 24% calcium. In theory that appears sound, however the reality is quite...